Posted 4th November 2008 | No Comments

Snakes alive! Did you see that?

Sue Allen with her snake Akasha.

WITH three-foot South American corn snake Akasha coiled around her neck, CrossCountry’s Brighton-based train manager Sue Allen frequently turns heads while walking around her hometown of Newhaven, East Sussex.

Sue bought her unusual pet two years ago to coincide with getting married, moving to a new home and beginning her CrossCountry training. She named the snake Akasha after the immortal central character in the book ‘Queen of the Vampires’.

“My husband and I bought her to mark a new start in our lives and as a good pet with which our children could grow up,” explained Sue.

“She lives in a tank in our front room and eats two mice a week. I have a real affinity with her and often take her out when I go walking.”

Sue’s picture was taken by retail service manager colleague Louise Bamber, an ace snapper planning to become a full-time freelance photographer. She aims to focus on wedding photos with a difference.

Louise, 19, said: “My mum is a florist specialising in weddings, and I’ve come up with the idea of covering the ceremony in a non-traditional way.

“This involves capturing the entire event, from bridesmaids getting ready to granddad falling asleep at the reception.”