Posted 5th March 2018 | 9 Comments
Railnews chairman Sir William McAlpine dies

THE death has been announced of Sir William McAlpine, the chairman of Railnews Ltd and the patron or president of many other railway organisations.
Sir William, who had been ill for some time, was 82.
He was well known for his railway interests, including ownership of the Flying Scotsman locomotive, which he later sold.
He was formerly a director of the McAlpine construction business, and was also well known for his personal motto: “Life is not a rehearsal”.
Railnews managing director Cyril Bleasdale said: "He was a great friend to the railway industry, becoming chairman of Railnews 21 years ago. He made a big contribution to the newspaper's survival and success.
"Everyone at Railnews will miss him very much."
Reader Comments:
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Daniel Dawson, Bagshot
I am so sorry to hear the news
Sir William rest in pease
Steve Norris, London
I had the privilege of knowing Bill well and counting him as a dear friend. I'm so pleased that so many people from all walks of life with an interest in the railway have spoken out to say how much he meant to them and to the industry, and I know his wife Judy feels the same. He was a modest unassuming thoughtful generous and delightful man and will be very much missed. They simply don't make them like that any more.
tony berkeley, london
THis is very sad day for the rail sector. Bill was its champion for so many year, and such a supporter of different schemes and ideas, great and small, as well as a good friend.
We will all miss him, Tony
Jim Spence, Weston -S-Mare
Very sad News, heard of it while watching the Flying Scotsman prog on TV, We very much enjoyed his 80th birthday steam fayre where the flying displays etc showed in what high regard he his held by all involved in preservation, not just steam. Sympathy to his wife and family, RIP.
So sad to hear Mr Bill has passed away I was proud to be the owners representative of 4472 on the occasion of his 50th birthday when we ran the 50th Special from Marylebone 1985.My sympathy goes out to his wife and family. R.I.P.
Phill Brentor, Peterborough
Thank you Sir William for bringing Scotsman home.
Now is your time for peace.
You will be remembered.
George Partridge, Ryde IoW
Sir William was personally responsible for the preservation of numerous products of British engineering. Much admired and sadly missed please take care to preserve his memory as we owe him a great deal.
martin Porter, HENLEY-ON-THAMES
Very Sad news to hear of Sir Williams passing, he was a gentleman among gentlemen. He always had time to chat and enquire how things were in genuine way.
Rest in Peace Sir William
Martin Porter
Andrew Gwilt , Basildon Essex
Very sad and heartbroken. Rest in peace Sir William McAlpine.