Posted 30th May 2019 | 8 Comments
Retiring Pacers could become village halls

OUTDATED Pacer diesel trains could find new lives as community centres or village halls, according to the Department for Transport.
The economically-built Classes 141, 142 and 143 units were built in the 1980s by British Rail as a way of replacing first-generation diesel multiple units on local lines without spending more than absolutely necessary.
The chosen solution was to adapt the already-established Leyland National bus body to fit on a freight chassis.
The Pacers’ lack of bogies gave them an unusual ride, and they were later dubbed ‘nodding donkeys’.
But changes in the rules mean that the Pacers must be retired by the end of this year. They are not welcoming to wheelchair users and discharge toilet waste on to the track, which is also being outlawed.
They are still in service at the moment with Northern and Transport for Wales, but both operators have new trains on order.
One attempt to update a Class 144 Pacer to conform with modern regulations was made by leasing company Porterbook in 2015, but the rebuilt vehicle has not found favour with the industry, which is more likely now to consider Vivarail’s ex-London Underground Class 230s if economy is particularly important.
With the Pacers therefore set to make their last journeys within the next seven months, rail minister Andrew Jones has suggested that their bodies could find new uses in local communities.
He has invited suggestions by launching a competition, while Porterbrook will be donating a Pacer which can be used for experiments.
Mr Jones said: ‘The Pacers have been the workhorses of the north’s rail network, but it is clear that they have outstayed their welcome.
‘Through this competition we can ensure that the Pacer can be transformed to serve a community near where it carried passengers in an entirely different way. What we need now are creative and exciting proposals from the public, alongside ideas from businesses.’
Northern managing director David Brown added: ‘Using a Pacer as a valued community space is a very fitting way to commemorate the service they have provided since they entered service a generation ago.’
But the idea has already been ridiculed.
Labour Co-operative MP Jonathan Reynolds, who represents Stalybridge and Hyde, is less enthusiastic than Andrew Jones.
‘I am not sure my constituents will agree that this is an “exciting opportunity”, unless one of them is turned into a museum dedicated to highlighting years of under-investment in northern transport,” he told the Manchester Evening News. ‘My personal suggestion would be to invite my fed-up constituents to dismantle them piece by piece, a bit like when the Berlin Wall came down.’
Reader Comments:
Views expressed in submitted comments are that of the author, and not necessarily shared by Railnews.
Paul Hampson, Stockport
It would be worth the research centre kitting one out with track recording equipment, as they show up every minor defect in the track and magnify it considerably!, Bradford
Andrew Gwilt, Benfleet Essex
That is a brilliant idea. Instead of scrapping the Pacers.
Chris Jones-Bridger, Buckley Flintshire
Who says that the DfT lacks a sence of humour. It certainly makes up for having a consistent long term strategy for the rail network. Once again a government minister has made an announcement resulting in open ridicule. How the DfT Officials must be laughing for getting another ridiculous past a gulable minister.
The Pacers were a product of their era when investment in regional services was restricted. They have served the industry well but have long outlived their time. While an honourable retirement on heritage lines may await a few units following recovery of reusable equipment the best way of up cycling is surely via the scrap yard.
If the minister has spare time to consider the future use of redundant equipment how about the sidings filling with HST stock or the EMU fleets sidelined by the failure to pursue a rational electrification policy.
king arthur, Buckley
I can recall using these in the early 1990s. It really was like riding a freight wagon such was the noise - conversations had to wait until you got off!
Tim, Plymouth
They would make quite good caravans in a holiday park
A Brown, Lenzie, Glasgow
Is this a late April Fool?! My suggestion would be to turn them into shelters for all those passengers, who had to endure them, to patiently wait on their new trains to turn up!
J Gomersall, Sheffield
The only use I could see for these units is a potential luggage/bike carriers for use with existing 15X sprinter units. For use as community centres I think it would be an insult to the northern passengers that have endured them. Perhaps the scrapyard is the better place unless London would like to use them?