Posted 30th April 2020 | 3 Comments
30 April: news in brief

Two railway honours for Captain – sorry – Colonel Tom’s 100th
THE war veteran who has raised almost £30 million for the NHS by performing laps of his garden in Bedfordshire using a walking frame has been honoured by two railway namings to celebrate his 100th birthday today. Captain Tom Moore has also been promoted to the honorary rank of Colonel. GWR will put an Intercity Express train into service this morning which bears his name, while GB Railfreight has attached ‘Captain Tom Moore’ nameplates to a Class 66 locomotive. The GB Railfreight naming was performed by the operator’s managing director John Smith while Colonel Tom watched the ceremony from his home. He has now received at least 140,000 birthday cards.
In other news …
SAFETY planners are warning that more use of transport systems in London as the lockdown is eased could pose problems because of continuing social distancing. The effective capacity of the Underground could be reduced to 15 per cent, even with services restored, and the railway could be ‘rapidly overwhelmed’. Police could also be under pressure if they are called to control crowds and enforce remaining restrictions. The London Strategic Coordination Group emphasised that its document, which spells out several possible scenarios, should not be seen as a definite prediction of ‘what will happen’.
THE Mayor of Manchester Andy Burnham says facemasks could become compulsory on Manchester Metrolink trams. But he said no decision would be made without clear guidance from the government and public support. He added: ‘I think we need to have the debate with people.’
Reader Comments:
Views expressed in submitted comments are that of the author, and not necessarily shared by Railnews.
SD, Manchester
I can only speak for TPE and we are following the latest guidance on sanitising contained in document: RDG Train Interiors Cleaning Guidance - issue v1.5, which came out 2 days ago. I also carry out regular inspections on all of our fleets to ensure that it is done. I would suggest that all TOCs are doing the same in order to minimise the risk to the other key workers that we are transporting around.
Andrew Gwilt, Benfleet Essex
Congratulations Great Western Railway and GB Railfreight for naming their trains for Colonel and Captain Tom Moore who is 100 years old today. Wonderful tribute to a war time hero.
Tony Pearce, Reading
I think the Face Masks are going to become compulsory, and for evermore. They don't protect the wearer but they do protect everyone else should the wearer sneeze. It will produce distribution and enforcement problems at the Barriers. I don't like using the Underground at the best of times because of the crush. I often wonder if the straps hanging from the Trains that people standing hold on to, are ever cleaned ? They must contain every germ from 100s of hands every day.