Posted 30th March 2023 | No Comments
Final phase of work on Barmouth Bridge in sight

Network Rail is to close Barmouth Bridge for up to 13 weeks this autumn so that its restoration can be concluded.
Network Rail will be working with its principal contractors Alun Griffiths to reconstruct the metal sections of the bridge, as well as renewing the track near Barmouth Toll House on the northern edge of the viaduct.
Work began in 2020 in order to protect the bridge for future generations and to maintain its magnificent appearance. The project has already seen the timber beams which support the 154-year-old structure replaced.
The restoration has been split into several phases to reduce the effect on rail services, the community and local economy. Network Rail has also planned the work to avoid the busy summer season.
Network Rail said Barmouth Bridge, including its footpath, will be closed from 2 September to 24 November, and probably again from 25 November to 3 December, although this has yet to be confirmed.
Preparation has started and will continue until September. Engineering gangs and contractors are currently grit blasting the steel cylinders that support the metal parts of the bridge, to prepare them for painting.
Wales & Borders interim route director Nick Millington said: ‘We are excited to begin work on the final phase of restoring this iconic viaduct. There is no other like it in Britain, so we have meticulously and carefully brought this structure back to life so it can serve passengers for future generations.’