Posted 24th September 2008 | 1 Comment
Freightliner’s new loco goes on show
Freightliner’s order for 30 locomotives is the largest in its history, and the first deliveries are scheduled for late next year.
THE first of 30 PowerHaul diesel-electric locomotives, ordered last year by Freightliner Group Ltd., has been displayed by builder GE Transportation at InnoTrans 2008 in Berlin.
Incorporating the newly-developed 16-cylinder PowerHaul engine, the locomotive is GE Transportation’s most technologically advanced global design to date and will cut fuel consumption by up to nine per cent of current fleet operating averages and reduce carbon emissions.
The PowerHaul locomotive is based on the company’s 2005 Evolution series of which more than 2,800 units are currently in service worldwide. Their 4,400 GHP engines deliver five per cent greater fuel efficiency and a 40 per cent reduction in emissions. Each locomotive will consume around 300,000 less gallons of fuel than previous motive power during its working life.
Freightliner’s order for 30 locomotives is the largest in its history, and the first deliveries are scheduled for late next year.
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Stephen, Blackwood Gwent, Uk
Are the new locos going 2b sent via abp newport docks gwent,advantage 4 us in wales to c em