Posted 11th June 2012 | 2 Comments
New Manchester tram route tests begin

TEST TRAMS are running on another extension of Manchester Metrolink from this week, just as the network prepares to unveil the public service to Oldham.
Oldham line trams are set to start running on Wednesday, while leaflets have now been sent to homes and businesses on the delayed Droylsden line warning them that test trips will be made between 23.00 and 05.00 each night, at a maximum speed of 48km/h.
The Droylsden route is set to be extended in 2013-14 to Ashton-under-Lyne, but services on the first section have been delayed by problems with Manchester's new tram control system.
The 6.3km section as far as Droylsden runs from the existing Metrolink stop at Manchester Piccadilly through the regeneration areas of Ancoats, New Islington, Beswick and East Manchester, and will have eight new stops.
Reader Comments:
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Richard Woodward, London
We use mph in this country, NOT km/h. I wish people writing would remember what country they live in; we are NOT continental Europe so please stop using their measurements for things!
(Railnews policy on measurements reflects current UK weights and measures laws: metric first and (if needed) Imperial second. Manchester Metrolink is, like other light rail systems in Britain, operated entirely to metric standards. Neither do planners or engineers use Imperial measurements now.--Editor.)
nonsuchmike, Ewell
At last we seem to be moving, nay, inching, forward. When will the government realise that there can be no growth without investment in infrastructure, especially travel infractructure? The Georgians knew it, the Victorians thrived on it, only the current Bankers don't seem to have the intelligence to understand it.
Remember RR started just off the Stretford Road and look where they got too. £1 billion order this week! Just start the development, the rest will follow.