Posted 14th September 2010 | 5 Comments
'Lasting benefits' from £22m Newport station upgrade

A MODERNISED station has opened for business in Newport, and the investment of £22 million will bring ‘lasting benefits’ in South Wales, say local leaders.
The new concourse at Newport is now being used by passengers and the second phase of the work will follow. This mainly involves finishing touches to the footbridge, car park and offices.
The station now serves more than two million passengers a year -- an increase of 30 per cent since 2005 -- with more growth expected.
Mike Gallop of Network Rail said: “Investment in rail is a necessity and not a luxury. Wales relies on rail. The country has an aspiration to become a leading destination for top-class events, such as the Ryder Cup and the Olympics, and a robust transport infrastructure is vital to meet that.
“Newport will play a significant role as a transport hub during the international golfing event, but its benefits go far and beyond. The landmark station will help open up new opportunities for the city as it becomes more attractive to businesses. Sustained investment in rail will be vital to help unleash the economic potential in Wales.”
Councillor Matthew Evans, who is leader of Newport City Council, said: “We are now less than three weeks away from hosting one of the world’s most popular sporting tournaments and the opening of the new station is another sign that we are ready for the 2010 Ryder Cup and welcoming thousands of visitors to the city. Newport is the gateway city to Wales and the station’s increased capacity will play an integral role in our growth. It will provide an excellent first impression for passengers.”
The station covers more than two square kilometres and has two concourses, equipped with CCTV, a real-time information system, improved ticketing and information points and more shops. Passengers will be able to use an additional new entrance from the north side, and people with luggage, prams or wheelchairs will benefit from new lifts to the platforms.
Network Rail and the Newport City Council have also carried out extra work to refresh the existing platform canopies and refurbish the taxi rank.
Reader Comments:
Views expressed in submitted comments are that of the author, and not necessarily shared by Railnews.
steve, Chepstow, Wales
I have to say this is just about the most shoddy, ugly, difficult and irritating new building I have ever used. I give it a decade before they tear the thing down and restore the old station.
Poor old Newport suffers second rate architecture again and again.
John, Newport
Good looking station but a few issues to address. Such as the staff having a real bad attitude, Only one ticket machine at platform 4 entrance, the old part of the station needs updating and the trains keep stopping at th opposuite end of where everyone is waiting!
The Newporter, Newport
A futuristic transport hub ? more like space junk to me.
I used it today, with great disapproval of its design, have they not learned by now that passengers want functionality and efficiency ??
Its too small, only 3 barriers at each entrance so what are all those new commuters supposed to do,
the lift is hidden behind the stairs down to platform 2 and very exposed,
no cover from the entrance all the way down to platform 1 and the new displays are right down at the old station !
I never thought id hear myself say the old station was better !!!
Mr. C. Ductor, Manchester
It's a nice interior but some of the design is of concern. Am I daft or is that a staircase right above the booking office? If so,
1. How long will it be until someones Credit Card pin gets 'borrowed'? and,
2. How long until someone buying a ticket gets something dropped on their head?
Owain Vaughan, Newport, Monmouthshire, UK
Shame that with acres of lovely Victorian canopies lovingly restored, the trains now stop at the west end of the station (near the new footbridge) and stick out of the end for passengers to get wet! Marvellous planning!